We meet on Monday nights from 7:00 PM - 8:30 Pm in the Holy Family Parish Hall (beside the Church)
Participants will need a Bible and a journal or notebook. Participants should view the episode of The Chosen prior to the video discussion. For the first session, there is not video discussion.
The Chosen is a show about Jesus Christ, adapted from the four books of the Bible known as the Gospels, which each tell the story of his birth, life, and death through the varying viewpoints of their writers.All three seasons are available to stream on Angel’s website, as well as Peacock and The Chosen app; the first season can be found on Netflix, too.
Creator Dallas Jenkins has steadfastly reiterated in interviews that his primary goal with the show is to “accurately represent the character and intentions of Jesus and the Gospels” without “think[ing] too much about who it appeals to.” Jenkins brought his project to Angel Studios, where he was able to raiseover $10 million for season one and a combined $30 million for seasons two and three. After facilitating the crowdfunding, Angel had exclusive rights to distributeThe Chosen through November 2022, but now acts as a licensor for the show. During this time, Angel Studios has seen annual revenue of over $120 million; crowdfunding contributors received a stake in The Chosen LLC and are supposed to earn back their investment plus 20 percent, though it’s unclear whether anyone has actually received profits.
The show itself makes clear, via a disclaimer in the first episode, that “all Biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the Scriptures.” If this all sounds like a very serious undertaking, then consider that to much of its audience, fictionalizing the Bible is one of the most serious tasks there is.
Our format, Where to watch, The cast and characters, The Bible and you.